Proper care of the feet will be looking very awesome. In the same way if the foot is not maintained properly then many problems shows there head up like corns, cracks, infections, in growth of nails, and bunions. Massaging is the wonderful way to get rid of many foot problems. Ayurvedic is the traditional method to get best results of foot therapy and so on.
Massaging the feet at night will give dramatic remedy .Apply this at each night when you go to bed. This type of massaging the feet will give effective results to get soft and supple feet at all times. During winter time warm oil with sesame or mustard oil. It is better to use coconut oil during summer times to give cooling effect.
Best Remedies For Excellent Feet:-
- A small slice of lemon juice can be applied in the corn area and also it can be bandaged in the place over the night .Cracks on the heels will get relived.
- Warm sesame oil or ghee on the affected is for getting better results in the feet.
- Mix one teaspoon of mango tree sap and 1 tablespoon of water in the cracked skin.
- Mix 3 tablespoon of bee wax and also 1 tablespoon of sesame oil can be mixed with it. Warm a little bit and apply on the affected area.
- Marigold stem, milky juice, and green flags or you can take an alternation of papaya juice to get excellent remedy for the skin. It is best when it is applied in the affected area.
- Walking with barefoot on rough surfaces will create many problems in the foot.
- Don’t walk with tight shoes this will be the best cause for the appearance of the corns in the foot.

Keywords: Tight Shoes, Papaya Juice, Ayurveda, Bee Wax, Create Many Problems In The Foot.
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