Nature is the gift given by god. The traditional ayurvedic tips with best moisturizing control formula, anti aging process and blemish control can be done in an inexpensive way. In most of the centuries ayurveda rocks in beautiful women all over the world. Here are the tips given below:
Winkle Free Soft Skin:-
Smooth castor oil will make wonders in the skin to keep the face soft and smooth always.
Unpasteurized Milk:-
Clean the skin with unpasteurized milk by the use of eth cotton wool.
Skin Conditioner:-
Make a paste of the 2 tablespoon of the cream stirred with one of honey. This will help to condition the skin very smoothly. Leave the mixture in your skin for 20 minutes and remove this with wet facial cloth
Natural Moisturizer:-
Mix 8 ounce of yogurt with a tablespoon of lemon juice and orange juice and apply this mixture to get facial mask .Remove this mixture after 15 minutes.
Skin Tone and Pigmentation:-
Raw potato can be rubbed the face to lighten the pigmentation problems and improves skin tone.
Natural Masque and Mixtures:-
Turmeric powder, sandal wood, milk can be applied as a paste in the face for several minutes and remove the mixture out of eth face to get fair completion.
Facial Hair Removal:-

Sunscreen Lotion:-
Combine the mixture of rose water, glycerin and cucumber juice. Cool well and apply this mixture in the face before you move with sun light.
Blemish Control:-
Rose water is the most effective ingredient that can be used to reduce blemishes in the face. Mix equal amount of rosewater with lime juice and cucumber mix. Apply this mixture in the night to get more outcome results.
Keywords: rose water, effective ingredient, blemishes, traditional ayurvedic tips, mix equal amount of rose water, skin tone and pigmentation.
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