Thursday 24 May 2012

Tips to reduce rough palms

Women like to have silky hands. They always want their palm to look soft. You can follow the below steps to maintain your palm young and soft. 
  • Take 2 tablespoons of sugar, baby oil and liquid soap.Pour sugar and baby oil, enough to cover hands in the palm of your hand. Rub hands together, as you would rub when you apply a lotion. Do these for a few minutes, then pour on a little liquid soap and wash clean. Your hands will feel very smooth.

  • Rub one spoon of sugar, lemon juice and fresh cream into your hands till the sugar completely dissolves. This will surely be of some help. Your hands will look smoother.
  • Mix 1/2 cup of warm milk, 2 tsp sugar, 2 tsp plain yogurt and a few drops of lavender essential oil. Soak your hands in this mix for about 5 minutes. Scrub your hands gently and do a massage.

  • Solution made of salt and lemon also sloughs off dead skin cells. Brush the solution with an old toothbrush. Do this twice a week. This method will not only give you soft hands but also remove discolouration. 

  • The easiest method would be to apply a rich hand cream or petroleum jelly (Vaseline or generic) at night and wear gloves over them while you sleep. This locks the moisture in. Waken with softer hands.

  • If your hands become rough after a hard day gardening, pour a small amount of salt in the palm of one hand, then apply olive oil and rub hands together. Rinse off under warm water. Next, cover your hands with cotton gloves. 

  • Hands become rough while you wash your dishes. Do not worry for there is a remedy even for this. Add a little almond oil to dishwater. The water will soften rough skin while the oil seals the moisture. Spraying your hands with a mist of vinegar after the wash will also be of some help.

  • To remove cooking smell from your hands. First rinse them with vinegar and then wash thoroughly with soap and water.

  • A quick massage of 10 minutes with olive oil or dove lotion will also work wonders.

Keywords: dove lotion, vinegar, almond oil, cotton gloves, dead skin cells, liquid soap, silky hands. 

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