Thursday, 19 July 2012

Kiwi Fruit Mask For Shiny Face

Kiwi fruit is very good for sensitive skin. Vitamin E is good for the upper layer of the skin to get glow and bright face. Many harmful ultra violet rays gets affected the skin by means of the atmosphere.

Dry skin:

  • Kiwi fruit juice
  • Olive oil
  • Egg yolk
Method to prepare:

Blend one tablespoon of kiwi and also add 1 tablespoon of olive oil and also add yolk egg 1. Now you can apply this mixture evenly in the face for 15 minutes. Apply this mask in the face and the neck. Sponge the face with moist cotton balls and apply moisturizer for best cleaning the face. This will help to lubricate and moisturize the skin. It also helps to improve blood circulation.

Kiwi fruit recipe:

  • Kiwi Fruit juice- 2tsp
  • Almond oil – 1tsp
  • Yogurt- 1tsp
  • Carrots – 1tsp
  • Lemon juice-1tsp
Method to prepare:

Take one  tablespoon of kiwi juice and 1 table spoon of yoghurt, 1 tablespoon of lemon juice with almond oil and also add 1 cup of carrots. Blend neatly to make a smooth mixture and apply evenly on the face. When the whole mixture gets dried off. Rinse off well with cold water. After that apply moisturizer to get gorgeous look forever. 

Keywords:  kiwi juice,to make a smooth mixture and apply evenly on the face,apply moisturizer for best cleaning the face,Vitamin E is good for the upper layer of the skin.

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